KC Private Schools in Expanded Farm-School ProgramKC Private Schools in Expanded Farm-School Program
October 8, 2008
Three Kansas City area private schools are serving full meals featuring organic, locally-grown ingredients thanks to a program called Bistro Kids’ Farm 2 School, reports CNN. As a result, Kansas City Academy can menu choices such as pizza with whole wheat crust, organic toppings and hormone-free cheese, and deploy a salad bar featuring produce grown locally without pesticides. Other choices include special gluten-free meals and free-range meat.
Farm 2 School sources from small farms and organic bakeries located within a 200-mile radius of Kansas City. In addition to the ingredients, Farm 2 School provides an educational component, sending farmers to schools to talk to students and encouraging school gardens and recycling programs. The goal of the program is eventually to serve up to a dozen schools, including public schools with at-risk populations.
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