How the country’s 25 largest school districts plan to operate their meal programs this fallHow the country’s 25 largest school districts plan to operate their meal programs this fall
Here’s a roundup of fall opening dates and intended approaches to learning for the 25 school districts in Food Management’s 2020 K-12 Power Players listing, along with how they plan to provide meal service to students.

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As fall looms, school districts all over the country either have already begun classes or are making final plans to do so. While the decision to begin fall instruction online, in-person or through a combination of the two is at the top of the reopening agenda, how students will be served meals is also a major consideration, especially as almost every district will have to plan for serving students both onsite and remotely even if they intend to begin the school year exclusively with one approach.
Here is a roundup of their intentions from the 25 school districts included in Food Management’s 2020 K-12 Power Players listing, which encompasses the U.S. public school districts with the highest enrollment numbers as of last fall. The information is the latest available but subject to change in some cases given the USDA’s recent extension of summer meal flexibilities through the end of the year.
FM will publish the 2021 edition of K-12 Power Players early next year.
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