High school debuts coffee cartHigh school debuts coffee cart
To boost breakfast participation, students get discounted coffee when they also buy a breakfast item.
February 16, 2017
Mayfield High School in Mayfield, Ohio, has opened a coffee cart in its cafeteria, The News-Herald reports.
Open throughout the day, the cart sells 12-ounce cups of coffee for $2 each. Students were able to taste-test some of the offerings and were also involved in choosing the cart’s name.
The drinks are made with low-fat milk and unsweetened flavor syrups, and soy milk is on hand for those with allergies. To encourage more breakfast participation, the school gives students 50 percent off coffee when they also buy a breakfast item. Additionally, the cart is stationed next to the cafeteria’s salad bar, with the hope of piquing student interest in more healthful items at lunch.
The cart was funded with a $5,000 grant from the American Dairy Association. School officials say the cart sells an average of 250 to 300 cups of coffee per day, with iced coffee being the biggest seller.
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