Chartwells Providing Dinners to After-School Tutoring SessionsChartwells Providing Dinners to After-School Tutoring Sessions
October 1, 2008
Thanks to a grant, Chartwells is providing dinner to several dozen elementary school students receiving evening tutoring in the Ann Arbor (MI) school district, reports the Ann Arbor News. About 35 third through fifth graders at Mitchell Elementary School get together after school three days a week to study as well as play, work in the school’s Project Grow garden and eat dinner, with some of the ingredients coming from the Project Grow garden.
Called the Mighty Mustang program, the four-week initiative is designed to increase proficiency in reading, writing and math in preparation for the Michigan Educational Assessment Program tests. The tutoring sessions are staffed by Mitchell teachers and student teachers. The idea for dinner came after studying the needs of the students, many of whom already get free or reduced-price lunch.
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