Breakfast of Champions promotion boosts participation at elementary schoolBreakfast of Champions promotion boosts participation at elementary school
High school athletes met with elementary students during breakfast to talk about what it means to be a student-athlete.

High school athletes at Poultney High School in Poultney, Vt., joined Poultney Elementary School students during their breakfast as part of the district’s first Breakfast of Champions promotion run by food management company Aladdin.
The elementary students were able to ask questions and take photos with the student-athletes and also received signed autographs.
Once the elementary students returned to class, Foodservice Director Kim Babcock and her team served the athletes a special breakfast of French toast, sausages, assorted bagels, breakfast sandwiches, milk and juice as a thank you for stopping by.
Babcock said the promotion was a great success and that they saw an increase of 20 students eat breakfast that day.
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