
Students allege unfair portion sizes

FRANKLIN, Ind. — Although some students feel that portion sizes served in Sodexo are inexact and that there is unfair treatment between students, Food Services Director Les Petroff said this shouldn’t be the case.

“Every recipe we have comes with a portion size,” Petroff said. “I can tell you most of them are either 4 ounce or 5 ounce portions. Now if it’s a piece of turkey we slice, obviously every slice won’t be the same. But in every one of our recipes there are portion sizes.”

Petroff said the recipes even dictate the size of the utensils that should be used to serve the food in order to get the correct portion sizes.

All servers are given specific instructions when it comes to serving food and the correct portion size each student should be given, Petroff said.

“We have a standard,” he said. “We like to be consistent. Our employees are supposed to follow the guidelines.”
Petroff addresses employees if an inconsistency comes to his attention.



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