Via Christi Wichita (KS) Health Network is switching to a trans fat free french fry that is also lower in calories and fat than the fries it had been servingVia Christi Wichita (KS) Health Network is switching to a trans fat free french fry that is also lower in calories and fat than the fries it had been serving
February 2, 2007
FM Staff
Via Christi Wichita (KS) Health Network is switching to a trans fat free french fry that is also lower in calories and fat than the fries it had been serving. The program is launching on February 6th, when free 3-ounce servings will be given away at the cafeterias at Via Christi’s St. Francis, St. Joseph, Our Lady of Lourdes and Good Shepherd campuses. Via Christi had already switched to using trans-fat-free cooking oil, but the preprepared fries it was buying came already coated with partially hydrogenated oils that contain trans fats, while the new fries, called My Fries Gold, are made with an alternative oil containing no trans fats. The substitute product is more expensive but the hospital is compensating by reducing portion sizes while keeping the price the same. Previously, Via Christi had served 8-oz. portions for $1.49. That price will now buy a 6-oz. portion, and a 3-oz. serving for $1.19 will also be available.
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