Rex Healthcare food gets thumbs-up from Conde NastRex Healthcare food gets thumbs-up from Conde Nast
“9 Great Meals” recommends hospital’s food; National Museum of the American Indian also gets nod.
November 10, 2014
NEW YORK — Conde Nast Traveler is well-known for recommending only the best in travel experiences for its readers. So when it suggests places to dine, you want to take notice.
Which is what makes “9 Great Meals in Unexpected Places” so surprising. Not only are four of the locations within the continental U.S., two of them are in oft-maligned industry segments—universities and hospitals. Virginia Tech University, in Blacksburg, is one of those venues highlighted in the slideshow. Rex Healthcare, in Raleigh, N.C., is the other.
Other locations Conde Nast singled out include a museum, and airline and the French army.
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