Workshop teaches foodservice staff how to make lunch more appealingWorkshop teaches foodservice staff how to make lunch more appealing
The tactics shared included methods to reduce waste and increase sales of healthy items, such as giving vegetables creative names and placing white milk first in the lunch line.
March 28, 2016
In an effort to make lunches more appealing to students, 36 foodservice workers from five school districts in Maine’s Franklin County recently attended a day of training designed to improve school lunches, reports the Daily Bulldog.
Attendees were trained by numerous professionals, including area chef Andrew Hutchins, who demonstrated how to incorporate ethnic foods into school menus and create theme meals that will “wow” students.
Heidi Kessler—senior program manager at Let’s Go Smarter Lunchrooms, one of the organizations that funded the training—taught methods to reduce waste and increase sales of healthy items, such as giving vegetables creative names and placing white milk first in the lunch line.
Read the full story at the Daily Bulldog.
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