What impacted the workforce this yearWhat impacted the workforce this year
Here's how foodservice operators sought to redefine roles and support their staff both before and after the pandemic hit.
The topic of wellness received a great deal of attention in 2020, as employees across many industries struggled to maintain work-life balance, stay safe and manage the stress of working while COVID-19 spread. Scroll below to see how foodservice operators, in particular, sought to redefine roles and support their staff both before and after the pandemic hit.

Assembling the ingredients for an inclusive workplace
By Amanda Baltazar on 08/14/2020
Foodservice operations seek to foster atmospheres that are welcoming to all.
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The coronavirus gives rise to new roles for foodservice staff
By Peter Romeo on 05/28/2020
Restaurants are establishing new responsibilities as dining rooms reopen.
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As eateries reopen, mental health concerns are part of the equation, too
By Patricia Cobe on 05/22/2020
COVID-19 has elevated stress and anxiety levels among owners, managers, employees and customers. Here’s how foodservice spots are adapting.
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Shining a spotlight on employee wellness
By Kelsey Squire on 05/12/2020
Before the coronavirus hit, a college dining team tapped into a simple wellness program that resonated.
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Helping workers feel appreciated during unprecedented times
By Kelsey Squire on 05/04/2020
Keeping staff engaged, especially when they’re furloughed, can be a particular challenge.
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