UConn Dining Services’ “Give-A-Meal” Gives Back to the CommunityUConn Dining Services’ “Give-A-Meal” Gives Back to the Community
November 10, 2011
Nov. 10—During the University of Connecticut Dining Services’ 24th Annual “Give-A-Meal,” on Oct. 19, students at all eight dining units were encouraged to swipe their meal card one or two extra times. For each swipe, Dining Services donated $2.50 toward relief efforts in the surrounding community, according to a university press release.
During the event 4,428 meals were swiped, which raised a total of $11,070. Proceeds were donated to the local Covenant Soup Kitchen, the No Freeze Project and the UConn Community Outreach Alternative Winter Break program.
“[The causes that receive the donations from Give-A-Meal] rely so much on this and they always express their gratitude,” Dennis Pierce, dining services director, said in the press release.
The Covenant Soup Kitchen, which helps feed the needy, received 40% of the raised funds; the No Freeze project, which offers shelter to the homeless, received 30% of the funds; and the remaining 30% of the funds was donated to UConn’s Community Outreach organization, which helps fund transportation costs for students attending a winter alternative break community outreach trip.
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