U.S. Army aims to improve, standardize menus for childrenU.S. Army aims to improve, standardize menus for children
Through a partnership with Kansas State University, officials plan to implement consistent menus at child development centers army-wide.
March 7, 2016
Kansas State University and the U.S. Army are collaborating for a pilot program to standardize menus and offer healthier foods throughout the Army’s Child, Youth and School Services, reports FTLeavenworthLamp.com.
Parents and children recently sampled potential menu items—including a white-bean soup, broccoli salad, hummus and carrot muffins—and their feedback will be rolled into new seasonal menus piloted at Fort Leavenworth and Fort Riley in Kansas. The new menus will be rolled out to all bases starting in January, says FTLeavenworthLamp.com.
Army officials say the goal is to have consistent menus army-wide.
“[The] Army wanted to standardize these menus so our soldiers who go from installation to installation can have some consistency in knowing the menus and at least have an idea of what they can look like and what they can expect,” Carole Hoffman, coordinator of Fort Leavenworth CYSS, told the website.
Read the full story via ftleavenworthlamp.com.
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