Tufts Dining Services to eliminate "trick turning" next yearTufts Dining Services to eliminate "trick turning" next year
New software will prevent a glitch that allowed students to receive unlimited access. Tufts Dining Services, in an April 9 press release, announced several changes to the Premium Meal Plan for fall 2014, including the elimination of the popular "trick turning."
April 17, 2014
MEDFORD, Mass.—Tufts Dining Services, in an April 9 press release, announced several changes to the Premium Meal Plan for Fall 2014, including the elimination of the popular "trick turning." According to Director of Dining and Business Services Patti Klos, the changes will be focused on the Premium Meal Plan, commonly referred to as the "Unlimited Plan," which all freshmen are required to purchase. Right now, students on this plan are able to access Carmichael or Dewick-MacPhie Dining Halls during a specific meal period and can then go to Hodgdon Good-to-Go to "trick turn." Klos explained that this will no longer be possible
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