Tenn. launches No Tennessee Child Goes Hungry initiativeTenn. launches No Tennessee Child Goes Hungry initiative
The state’s Department of Human Services is requesting help from Tennesseans in fighting child hunger.
The Tennessee Department of Human Services is asking Tennesseans for help in fighting child hunger, requesting feedback about its food programs as part of a new initiative called No Tennessee Child Goes Hungry.
Tennesseans can email their comments about the 2015 reauthorization of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act—which expires Sept. 30—to the department.
“We are committed to maintaining momentum and continue to see a positive trend in the number of children served in recent years. Please add your strength to this very important cause. Tennessee children are counting on all of us. Let’s do it,” said DHS Commissioner Dr. Raquel Hatter in a statement.
DHS is also honoring Summer Food Service Program sponsors for their hard work making sure children have access to healthy meals during the summer, with the first ever No Tennessee Child Hungry Excellence Awards. Sponsors can apply for a variety of awards, including the Rookie of the Year Award, Impact Award, Trailblazer Award, Healthy Happy Meals Award and the Shining Star Award.
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