New Smart Snacks rule spells end to district’s beloved cookieNew Smart Snacks rule spells end to district’s beloved cookie
The pink cookie, once named as a best by Cleveland magazine, will no longer be offered because it doesn’t meet new nutritional guidelines.
August 25, 2014
ELYRIA, Ohio — A favorite — and locally famous — cafeteria treat is off the menu forever in one northeast Ohio school system because of new federal nutritional guidelines.
The government's edict to provide healthier foods and cut fats and cholesterol will put an end to the sale of the traditional Elyria pink cookie — a buttery sweet treat with pink icing that has been a favorite of city school kids for four decades.
The cookie, which a former district food services director developed from her grandmother's recipe, had gained a cult following through the years and was once named the "Best Cafeteria Cookie" by Cleveland magazine, according to The (Elyria) Chronicle-Telegram.
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