Bucknell students get new healthy eating toolBucknell students get new healthy eating tool
he EatWell web-based tool provides students with complete nutrition and allergy information for menu items. EatWell, Bucknell Dining Services' new web tool, allows students to plan their meals with the help of complete nutrition and allergy information.
September 24, 2014
LEWISBURG, Pa. — Planning meals has never been easier at Bucknell University. EatWell, Bucknell Dining Services' new web tool, allows students to plan their meals with the help of complete nutrition and allergy information.
"EatWell enables our students to make educated food choices based on their specific dietary needs," said David Freeland, district manager, Bucknell Dining Services.
Users pick their campus dining facility and station, then choose foods that meet their needs on a menu specific to that location. The tool displays nutrition information for each food selection, as well as the entire meal.
Food options can be filtered to accommodate allergies to chocolate, eggs, fish, milk, peanuts, shellfish, soy, strawberries, tree nuts and wheat.
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