Smart MarketingSmart Marketing
February 17, 2009
Food Service Director - Free Advice - Ann Marie Solomon - SFM - Smart Marketing
Ann Marie Solomon, associate vice president, merchandising strategy and creative services for Aramark, spoke at the SFM National Conference about "smart marketing." Here, Solomon gives insights into some of the smartest marketing techniques.Food Service Director - Free Advice - Ann Marie Solomon - SFM - Smart Marketing
At the recent SFM national conference, Ann Marie Solomon, associate vice president, merchandising strategy and creative services for Aramark, shared with operators some advice for “smart merchandising.”“Stimulate the senses. Focus on positive cues—aroma, lighting, music, surprise, interaction and color. Smart merchandising immerses the senses.
Anticipate customers’ needs—the need for information, ideas of what goes together. Smart merchandising makes shopping easy and intuitive.
Promote through cross-merchandising, natural adjacencies and impulse items. Smart merchandising provides opportunities for add-on sales.
Track your progress. Plan merchandising activities with goals. Smart merchandising impacts financial results.
Relevance is essential. Address lifestyle needs: speed, convenience, health and wellness. Smart merchandising connects with customers.
Cleanliness is core. Avoid negative cues—poor sanitation, sloppy displays, inattentive employees. Smart merchandising enhances environments and tells a story.
Engage the customer. Sample, sample, sample. Smart merchandising encourages risk-free trial.
Hear your customers’ voices. Listen to their needs, concerns and suggestions. Smart merchandising builds in customer feedback and allows for change.”
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