One On One With: Testing deliveryOne On One With: Testing delivery
In Food Management’s podcast we talk with Boston College dining about a failed delivery attempt and listening to your customers.
Listen to this podcast on Apple Podcast or Soundcloud.
“I’m proud to have a very talented team that is always trying to come up with new and innovative ideas for college students who are pretty savvy and eat out a lot.” That’s how Beth Emery, director of dining services at Boston College, describes her department. And come up with new and innovative ideas they do. In the past year alone, BC Dining has been named Innovator and received a Best Concept award.
Part of being innovative is listening to your customers, something the team is doing through the BC Test Kitchen. We recently caught up with Emery about the test kitchen and how delivery didn’t exactly catch on with her students.
More on Boston College dining:
College Innovator of the Year: Boston College
FM announces 2019 Best Concept Award winners
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