Jill BarnesJill Barnes
Jill has made an impact on foodservice by proactively engaging with the BCBS of Minnesota wellness team to facilitate employee wellness programs and raise the bar in corporate wellness services
October 24, 2014
General Manager/Corporate Wellness Dietitian, Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) of Minnesota (Compass Group/Eurest Dining Services)
St. Paul, MN
Age: 27
Education: Bachelor of science in nutrition from the University of Minnesota, master of science in dietetics & nutrition from Eastern Illinois University
Years at organization: 2
Why Selected?
According to David Normann, vice president of operations for Eurest-Great Lakes, Jill has made an impact on foodservice by:
Proactively engaging with the BCBS of Minnesota wellness team to facilitate employee wellness programs and raise the bar in corporate wellness services
Overseeing and collaborating with three café chefs to develop menus and promotions
Developing and moderating lunch-and-learn presentations throughout the year to educate BCBS employees on health-related topics such as gluten free and healthy holiday eating
Establishing and coordinating a dietetic internship program with the University of Minnesota at BCBS of Minnesota campus
Get to know
Q. What has been your proudest accomplishment?
I was awarded salaried manager of the year for 2013. The candidates included all managers within the central division (more than 500 accounts).
Q. What would you say you excel at over more seasoned colleagues?
Technology. I am able to assist others to do dining website updates/implementation, recipe database support, Dropbox development/support, marketing sign design, etc.
Q. What's the best career advice you've been given?
Be flexible and adapt, be creative and innovative, be open to change and never say never. My mentor taught me that you might never know where the next opportunity lies, so embrace the change and approach all things with your best foot forward.
Q. What's been the biggest challenge you've had to overcome?
Being able to think logically over emotionally. Although challenging, putting your logical thoughts first will help you make strong decisions that will ultimately produce positive emotional results.
Q. What's been your most rewarding moment?
I am always left with feelings of success/reward when customers tell me they had a great experience either in the café or for a catering event. I am always filled with pride and joy for my team.
Q. What can you look back at now and laugh at?
I have made a number of public speaking mistakes. I hope no one else remembers the spot on my shirt or the mispronunciation of our guest speakers’ names or even my awkward introduction leaving the room silent instead of in laughter as originally planned.
What would you like to accomplish in your career short term?
To grow the corporate culture of wellness throughout our cafés. I hope that I can infuse a desire to make better food choices both within the café dining environment as well as for individuals in their lives outside of the corporate walls.
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