September 1, 2005
FM Staff
21-23 Foodservice Consultants Society International (FCSI) Annual Conference, Anaheim (CA) Marriott Hotel. (502) 583-3783.
22 Society for Foodservice Management (SFM) SFM Women's Council at NAFEM. Anaheim (CA) Marriott Hotel, (502)583-3723
23-25 North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers (NAFEM) The NAFEM Show, Anaheim (CA) Convention Center, (312) 821-0201.
19-22 Society for Foodservice Management (SFM) Annual Conference, The Sheraton, New Orleans. (502) 583-3783.
22-25 American Dietetic Association (ADA) Food and Nutrition Expo, America's Center, St. Louis. (800) 877-1600.
12-15 International Hotel/Motel & Restaurant Show, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, NYC (914) 421-3206.
15-16 School Nutrition Association (SNA), Industry Boot Camp, Alexandria, VA (703) 739-3915
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