Expired Food Given to PrisonsExpired Food Given to Prisons
April 12, 2011
"'It’s been a good way to serve good food very frugally in terms of the budget,' said spokesman Richard McCarthy, relaying a conversation he had yesterday with the jail’s food-service director. 'It’s not rancid food. It’s not spoiled food.'
"But Leslie Walker, executive director of Prisoners’ Legal Services, chafed at the use by jails and prisons of out-of-date food that may be lacking in nutritional value, when many inmates do not have other sources of nourishment.
“'I think it’s disgusting,’ said Walker. 'My clients are all too aware that they are on the bottom of the pecking order, but to get food that is unfit for schoolchildren to consume should make it unfit for any human being to consume.'"
Read the full article here.
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