American to Offer Rainforest Alliance Certified Coffees in Inflight Beverage ServiceAmerican to Offer Rainforest Alliance Certified Coffees in Inflight Beverage Service
October 29, 2010
American Airlines will offer 100% Rainforest Alliance Certified Java City coffee aboard all of its flights as part of its inflight beverage service beginning November 1.
“American Airlines’ commitment to sourcing Rainforest Alliance Certified coffee shows that consumers around the globe are embracing sustainability,” says Tensie Whelan, president of the Rainforest Alliance. “Passengers can enjoy their cup of coffee knowing that it comes from well-managed farms, where ecosystems and wildlife are protected and where workers enjoy access to health care, education, decent wages and dignified housing.”
To achieve Rainforest Alliance certification, coffee farms must meet rigorous standards for sustainability that involve reducing waste, water pollution and water usage, while curbing deforestation and protecting wildlife habitat. Also, the farm workers must be provided with good work and living conditions, decent wages, and their children must have access to schools and health care.
“We are committed to exploring greener options for all of our products, both inflight and on the ground, to enhance the travel experience for our loyal customers,” says Rob Friedman, American’s vice president of marketing. “Java City strikes the perfect balance by offering a high-quality, great-tasting, eco-friendly coffee.”
“We’re thrilled to provide American Airlines customers with a sustainable, great tasting Java City coffee experience,” adds Java City CEO Chuck Van Vleet. “While socially and environmentally responsible coffees have become integral components of our company’s mission, we’ve worked hard to maintain the roasting principles that produce the ‘uncommonly smooth’ coffee our customers and consumers have come to expect.”
All farms that are Rainforest Alliance Certified have met the environmental, social and economic standards of the Sustainable Agriculture Network, which cover ecosystem conservation, worker rights and safety, wildlife protection, water and soil conservation, agrochemical reduction, decent housing, and legal wages and contracts for workers.
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