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10 biggest onsite foodservice stories of 202010 biggest onsite foodservice stories of 2020
Coronavirus shutdown and layoff stories were some of the most-read stories of the year from Food Management.

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Considering the year’s biggest story is the coronavirus pandemic, it’s not surprising that six of the biggest stories in onsite foodservice this year were about COVID-19 and how the industry was coping.
The year’s most-read story was about what the future for the salad bar would be. Long a staple in foodservice operations, the salad bar—along with many other self-serve dining options—were pulled at the start of the pandemic. Which led to the question: Is this the end of the salad bar?
Other COVID-related stories were about furloughs or layoffs at two of the country’s largest foodservice management companies, Aramark and Compass, who this spring and summer announced they were being forced to make some changed to address the losses incurred by the pandemic.
Readers also were drawn to stories about adapting meals to grab and go and how foodservice distributors were dealing with the early days of the pandemic (hint: They were having difficulty getting some items).
Perennial favorites like our annual Top 50 largest contract management companies and Best Sandwiches competition also scored big with readers, as did early year changes made by the USDA for the National School Lunch and Breakfast program served in schools.
Here are the 10 biggest stories of the year.
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