February 1, 2011
I Recent research from the New York University School of Medicine indicates that obese individuals have shrunken brains. To be precise, the brains of the obese seem to have fewer neurons in the areas that control impulses and eating behavior. Shocker, right?
The NYU research compared MRI scans of the brains of obese and lean subjects and found that the former had more water in the part of the brain involved with eating, and “smaller orbitofrontal cortices” that may lead to less impulse control, according to a report on the research in New Scientist magazine.
We already know that drinking alcohol also degrades impulse control and probably reduces the number of functioning neurons, so when Dean Wormer warned Flounder that “fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son” in the hit comedy Animal House, he may have been prescient…
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