Ciabatta 2006Ciabatta 2006
June 29, 2006
FM Staff
YIELD: 6, 1-lb. loaves
1.39 lbs. bread flour
1.39 lbs. water
0.5 grams yeast
3 lbs. water
4 lbs. bread flour
59 grams salt
14 grams yeast
MAKE THE POOLISH (STARTER) with the first three ingredients, 18 hours in advance in a tub or large container.
TO MAKE THE DOUGH, add 80% of the water (2.64 lbs.) to the poolish and dissolve the poolish. Add 4 lbs. bread flour, yeast and salt. Combine the mix. Gradually add the rest of the water, breaking down the dough. Leave covered in tub and allow to bulk ferment 20 minutes.
Remove the dough, place on table and fold; cover and bulk ferment 20 minutes. Fold again and allow to ferment 10 more minutes.
Cut dough into 6 equal pieces.
Roll in semolina and place on couche with semolina.Allow to ferment a final 30 minutes.
Place in 470°F hearth oven; reduce heat to 460°F and bake for 20 minutes; vent oven for 10 additional minutes.
Remove from oven and cool.
Recipe from Chef Eric Kastel, Associate Professor, Baking & Pastry Arts, Culinary Institute of America, Hyde Park, NY.
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