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These articles focus on our annual Best Sandwich competition, the quintessential lunch item and all-day menu favorite.
Best Sandwiches Readers’ Choice: 11 out-of-control pork sandwiches from food service chefsBest Sandwiches Readers’ Choice: 11 out-of-control pork sandwiches from food service chefs
Roasted, rubbed, brined, barbecued, pulled, cured, braised, glazed and more…succulent pork is the star on these top pork sandwich builds from our annual Best Sandwiches competition.

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Chefs get inspiration from so many places. When it comes to pork sandwiches, that inspiration often comes from smoke: smoke from the barbecue pit, that is. The way to fall-apart pulled pork shoulder is low and slow, and barbecue pork sandwiches benefit from the time spent. But barbecue—while hard to beat—is not the only way to pork-a-licious sandwich perfection. And some sandwiches combine several layers of porky goodness (porchetta, capicola and bacon) into one serious sammie.
Food Management’s annual Best Sandwich competition yielded pork belly prepared many ways, pork loin roasted and sliced, sausage crumbled and crisped along with lots of Asian flavor influences, from a classic banh mi to a pork belly on a bun. And as every chef knows, bacon is the culinary bling that is quite often the ingredient that takes a sandwich into “signature menu item” territory. After all, what would the club sandwich be without it? Our winning sandwiches are hefty, tempting and calibrated for maximum flavor. Check out these pig-out-worthy pork sandwiches from FM’s annual Best Sandwiches competition.
Contact Tara at [email protected]
Follow her on Twitter @Tara_Fitzie
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