University hosts build-your-own bowl eventUniversity hosts build-your-own bowl event
The bar-style event will allow students to choose from a variety of grains and add their selection of vegetables and other toppings.
February 21, 2017
University of Connecticut in Storrs, Conn., is this week hosting a build-your-own power bowl event in one of its dining halls, The Daily Campus reports.
The bar-style event will allow students to choose from a variety of intact grains as a base and add their selection of vegetables and other toppings. The event is part of a school-wide challenge to incorporate a principle of the Culinary Institute of America’s Menus of Change Initiative into UConn’s dining halls.
UConn’s Nutrition Club will be distributing educational information about intact grains throughout the event.
The university is looking to make the power bowl bar an addition to its rotating bar menu this fall.
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