Are these sustainable foods the way forward for the planet? Take a quick bite of the Future 50 foods listAre these sustainable foods the way forward for the planet? Take a quick bite of the Future 50 foods list
See menu highlights that show how the University of Vermont’s Sodexo team took—and ran with—ingredients from the World Wildlife Fund’s Future 50 sustainable foods list.

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The Sodexo dining team at the University of Vermont dug into a list of 50 ingredients based on their low environmental impact, taste and nutrition profile. World Wildlife Fund and Knorr released the Future 50 foods list as part of a report released in 2019, at the heart of which was a round up the foods that will essentially move us forward.
From the report: “The list of Future 50 Foods…has been developed to inspire a greater variety in what we cook and eat. It is intended to enable three important dietary shifts. First, a greater variety in vegetables to increase intake of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Second, plant-based sources of protein to replace meat, poultry and fish, resulting in reduced negative impact on our environment. Third, more nutrient-rich sources of carbohydrates to promote agrobiodiversity and provide more nutrients.”
See how Chef Eric Caravan and the Sodexo team interpreted this list into a memorable meal.
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