14 colleges & universities with the highest delivery sales during finals14 colleges & universities with the highest delivery sales during finals
GrubHub has compiled a list of the schools where students are most likely to order from outside restaurants rather than eat in the foodservice operations.
April 30, 2015
CHICAGO — The concept of "acceptable" meals is a little shaky in college. Students eat whatever's in the cafeteria and use limited space, time and resources to attempt cooking. During finals, college students get even more shameless, ordering absurd amounts of delivery for both efficiency and comfort.
The online food ordering service GrubHub went through their data to find which schools order the most during finals as compared to the rest of the year. They found that, overall, food deliveries to libraries are 154 percent more likely during final exams than the rest of the year. The schools included in this list are the ones that had enough orders to be statistically analyzed, a GrubHub spokesperson said.
Virginia Tech came out with the biggest spike in finals deliveries -- a 46 percent increase as compared to the rest of the term. The University of Virginia came in at No. 8 with a 25 percent order spike.
The data shows that colleges in New York state are especially keen on finals food deliveries. Three schools in the top 10 are in New York -- Ithaca College, Cornell University and Syracuse University. Pennsylvania schools also make a good showing, with the University of Pittsburgh and University of Pennsylvania coming in at Nos. 7 and 10, respectively.
Here are the official rankings from GrubHub:
14. Northwestern University
13. Boston University
12. Georgetown University
11. University of Delaware
10. University of Pennsylvania
9. University of Michigan
8. University of Virginia
Click here to view the complete list.
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