5 business dining Foodservice Heroes who kept critical industries running during the coronavirus crisis5 business dining Foodservice Heroes who kept critical industries running during the coronavirus crisis
Here are some of the submissions from the business/industry foodservice community that Food Management received in response to its call for nominations of Foodservice Heroes who stepped up during the coronavirus crisis this spring.

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When Food Management sent out a call for nominations of Foodservice Heroes—individuals who stepped up beyond the call of duty during the first stage of the coronavirus crisis this past spring—we were swamped with responses from every sector of the onsite dining community…and even a few from outside the community! After reviewing all the submissions, we chose a dozen that we featured in our July/August print issue (the digital version can be found here) and then in an online gallery. We followed that with a gallery of nominees from the K-12 community, the college/university community and the hospital segment.
Featured on the following web pages are submissions from B&I dining operations of individuals who stepped up to see that employees in critical businesses and industrial operations that continued onsite operations during the crisis remained fed.
The stories are substantially in the words of the respective nominators and talk about how these individuals made a difference in providing meal service during a traumatic and dangerous time.
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