K-12 Schools


USDA announces 2022 Team Nutrition Training Grant recipients

The 2-year grants were awarded to eight states to help them build and retain a strong school nutrition workforce.


New law requires Illinois schools to offer a plant-based lunch alternative to students

School nutrition programs must provide a plant-based option when requested, starting in 2023.

The study compared the BMI of elementary students before and after the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act was implemented.

The greenhouses will grow items such as lettuce, legumes, carrots and radishes, and also provide students with hands-on learning experiences.

Fifteen students at Wayzata High School are working in the cafeteria for class credit and close to $17 an hour.

The options would be offered to students at no additional cost, and schools would be required to provide them during every meal and snack served in the cafeteria.

The Senate is debating whether to include funding for the waivers issued during the pandemic in a supplemental appropriations package.

Laguna Middle School held the event to celebrate the state’s expansion of free school meals to all students.

The conference will gather stakeholders to discuss how to end hunger nationwide and increase Americans' physical activity by 2030.

The recipients have been announced just ahead of National School Lunch Hero Day.

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