K-12 Schools


Director threatens to write Michelle Obama over school menu changes

Healthy but unpopular lunches are costing cafeterias nationwide. One foodservice director has even vowed to write to Michelle Obama to voice her concerns.


Study: Foods’ sounds impacts their flavor

A study published by food sensory expert Charles Spence says the sounds foods make when they are eaten can affect how we perceive their flavors.

A Tennessee county school board decided to hold off on potentially outsourcing foodservice until more information is gathered and analyzed.

CDC official says that school lunches that meet federal nutrition guidelines can reduce students’ sodium intake by 400 milligrams per day.

High school culinary students have to rethink their restaurant's menu, according to state officials, because it doesn’t follow the new nutrition rules set down by the USDA.

We educated students, parents and staff about local products and healthy eating. Vendors donated prizes to give to kids who filled out surveys for feedback on their products.

A cafeteria manager resigned last month after being investigated by school officials over missing lunch money.

Last month, I suggested that it might be time to put an end to the special dinners that many institutions stage to celebrate Black History Month.

For the second time, Vermont legislators voted down legislation that would have protected employees who use a company benefit, such as a sick day, from employer retribution.

After outrage from its members, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics will end its partnership with Kraft, through which the academy’s ‘Kids Eat Right’ label appeared on the cheese product.

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