
Where can an employee manual go wrong?

employee handbook


Where can an employee manual go wrong? 



An employee manual can be a valuable tool for your operation, but it is only effective when used correctly. I have seen many mistakes from even well-written manuals being used incorrectly, but addressing these points should alleviate many missteps:

Outdated versions.  As policies change, issues come up or employees ask questions, keep in mind the manual should be a living document.

Unread books.  If no one reads the manual, it is useless. Require new employees to read the manual and conduct intermittent trainings for all employees. A good technique is to use a quiz or reading guide to make sure the manual is read and understood. Include a tear-off reviewed by your attorney that ensures employees have read and understand the manual. Make sure this is on file before any new hire begins work.

Convoluted language.  Keep in mind the diversity of abilities and education of your employees. Offer to read the manual (or offer a podcast) to employees who may prefer to listen, and offer the manual in multiple languages.

In short, the manual should include everything you can think of. The employee manual does a few things: It spells out your brand, it sets clear expectations, it provides references and answers, and—perhaps most importantly—protects the operation, management and the employee.

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