
The latest foodservice management practices, food-safety news and more.

Teachers protest breakfast program

Keyes Elementary School teachers in Texas have filed a grievance over the program with concerns that they will lose valuable instructional time to eating.


Big urban school districts to replace trays with compostable plates

The Urban School Food Alliance describes the move as a major boost in sustainability.

Michigan-based Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial Hospital was recently presented the GreenHealth Partner for Change Award, for its program to eliminate Styrofoam containers and reduce the use of other disposables in cafeteria and dietary operations.

The government has responded to social-media criticisms of the federal school lunch program championed by Michelle Obama.

Under the new contract, part-time cafeteria employees employed by the Philadelphia School District would get an increase in pay, going from $10.88 to a $12.67 hourly wage.

The government has responded to social-media criticisms of the federal school lunch program championed by Michelle Obama.

Cafeteria workers say they cannot afford to live in Austin on the hourly wages they are paid and petitioned the school board to increase wages to $21 an hour.

The national senior living provider received a Best of the Best Award from the Assisted Living Federation of America for its celebrity chef program.

This week, The Urban School Food Alliance, a coalition of the six largest school districts in the United States, will feature fresh fruits and vegetables in school meals and encourage students to make healthy choices.

In making the switch, environmental advocates hope the trays will be healthier for the city's more than 1 million public school students and cut down on trash sent to landfills.

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