
The latest foodservice management practices, food-safety news and more.

Michigan invites a second contractor to check out Aramark’s $145M prison assignment

Aramark is reportedly asking for an increase in its fee, and the state is conducting a “benchmarking” exercise to see what the market has to offer.


San Diego school offers halal lunches

Crawford High School is piloting a new lunch menu to reach out to Muslim students whose parents said they weren’t eating the free school lunch.

Concerns that students living in the area are food insecure has prompted staff to plant a garden that will provide food to Livermore Elementary School’s pantry.

Milk consumption is falling in schools, according to a recent National Dairy Council report, and a new bill is designed to do something about it.

Keyes Elementary School teachers in Texas have filed a grievance over the program with concerns that they will lose valuable instructional time to eating.

The Urban School Food Alliance describes the move as a major boost in sustainability.

Michigan-based Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial Hospital was recently presented the GreenHealth Partner for Change Award, for its program to eliminate Styrofoam containers and reduce the use of other disposables in cafeteria and dietary operations.

The government has responded to social-media criticisms of the federal school lunch program championed by Michelle Obama.

Under the new contract, part-time cafeteria employees employed by the Philadelphia School District would get an increase in pay, going from $10.88 to a $12.67 hourly wage.

The government has responded to social-media criticisms of the federal school lunch program championed by Michelle Obama.

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