FSD Update


High school cafeteria sees growth after leaving federal lunch program

Offering old favorites that partially meet regulations upped traffic by hundreds of students a day.


Judge lets FSDs get confidential help from anti-union pros

Enforcement of a measure requiring employers to disclose conversations with labor consultants during unionization drives has been blocked temporarily until a pending lawsuit is decided.

Former White House chef Sam Kass has ideas for getting better-for-you options on the menu—and actually getting them to sell. And it starts with the marketing message.

Operators are being rewarded for appealing to diverse preferences, with particular gains noted during two dayparts.

College and University menu and flavor trends FoodService Director saw at the College World Series in Omaha.

The money was accrued via mandatory meal plans for commuter students.

Eastern Michigan University will hand over its foodservice to Chartwells, citing financial incentives.

The findings on the effect of Seattle’s minimum wage increase contradict those from a study last year.

The data points to mixed results about the method of qualifying students for free or reduced-price lunch.

Opponents of Eastern Michigan University’s plan to partner with Chartwells are calling for the school to reconsider.

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